Monday, February 14, 2011


So! I'm getting a new address in two weeks and can't imagine being more excited :) 

Here are a few quick phone shots of the new place when I walked through last week.

I can't wait to get in and decorate!!!! The high I get from making spaces pretty almost makes me want to move more often ;P :)

I LOVE the living room ceiling and fireplace (even though the fireplace is not functional, I will group various sizes of pillar candles on the hearth :) )

Cute vintage kitchen is SO retro fun

Bedroom with bathroom attached. 

These look slightly dreary due to the lighting but I'm planning to rock the neutral color palette and punch it with some gorgeous rich colors and pretty accents :)
Bed should go between the two windows, with long white curtains on cafe style rods and rings on each.

I have been pillaging Craigslist and found a like new full length mirror for $5, microwave for $20, large ottoman to recover for $20 and a small for $10. 
(Planning to recover the large ottoman in cream with big, floppy, black satin bows tying the corners and small cream tassel fringe. Then it will be stationed in a 'dressing corner' with full length mirror and cream rug...probably :) )

Last night I started painting .... the rush from slathering a canvas with paint made me wonder why it has been so long...

This will go over my bed with a few other objects :)

I'm plotting to re-purpose my desk top into a headboard...stay tuned :)

Snatched this up at Target on Saturday :) When I asked F whether to get the round or square shade, he said the square was more 'me' since it was unique. Props to the bf for knowing my decor style.

Thanks to a tip from my friend, Kendra, at  I have been getting a lot of inspiration from (the 'love is' canvas) . Along with the trusty of course :)

I'm contemplating ways to make a spinoff of this lamp...
from Apartment Therapy. So hilarious to look over from the couch and see Buzz Lightyear fighting a pirate :)

Wanted to use this mirror from Craigslist on the mantle (sans gold dome) but it's an hour and half away :\

The adventure continues....


  1. Hey hey, love hearing your new plans! I can't wait to see how it unfolds. The ottoman plans sound so super rich and classy. Keep me updated! And thanks for the shoutout!!!

  2. My pleasure! It's been so long since I've sewn, and I'm still waiting on my bobbins to come in so I can start, but optimistic about it turning out the way it looks in my mind! haha :)


doodle here :)